Starting Your Own Herb Garden

Starting Your Own Herb Garden

Dec 9th 2020

There are many advantages to growing your own vegetables and herbs these days. From saving money, consuming a healthier version, and giving you something to be proud of, there are plenty of reasons for you to plant your own.

One of the biggest advantages of growing your own herb garden is the ability to control what goes into your food and keep it much healthier than a store bought option. If you are buying these things from the store, they have most likely been pumped full of pesticides and chemicals to make them last longer. By making your own in your garden, you can opt to not use these kinds of preservatives and chemicals on your herbs in order to keep them 100 percent organic and much healthier for you and your family.

Another great reason to grow your own herb garden is the money that you can save in the long run. If you want to go buy herbs, they can cost you several dollars for one small package. If you are growing your own herb plants however, the seeds will cost you a fraction of the price as the processed store bought kind. These herb plants can also anywhere for months to years depending on what kind you go with. This benefit can save you a huge amount of money in the long run if you use them often.

So if you have decided to plant your own herbs, which ones should you choose? One of the best things to consider is what do you often use when cooking in your own kitchen? This can often be a good decider of what you should select so you are not wasting your money or your time in the long run. If you are struggling to choose the right ones for you, there are some popular herbs that are very common in these gardens and have a wide variety of uses in the kitchen.

One of the most common herbs to find in gardens is basil. This leafy plant is often found in soups, salads, fish, and sauces. If you opt for this herb, you should plant it in the late spring if you are placing them directly into the garden. Another easy and common herb to find in the garden is dill. These leaves are excellent for flavoring fish, soups, salads, potatoes, and more. One of the most versatile herbs, you can plant these about 1/4 inch deep in the early spring for best results.

If you consume Mexican food often, cilantro is an excellent herb to have handy in your garden. This leafy green herb can grow as high as 18 inches tall in any climate. For best results, make sure it gets a good combination of sunlight and shade if possible.

All these herbs and more are great ways to save some money on your grocery bill and eat a little healthier every day. For a beginners guide to herb gardening from the click here.

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